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Administrative Measures of Hubei Province for Secondary Water Supply

Administrative Measures of Hubei Province for Secondary Water Supply

2020-11-13 11:25 省政府法制研究中心

Decree of the People’s Government of Hubei Province

No. 403

Administrative Measures of Hubei Province for Secondary Water Supply, as deliberated and adopted at the Executive Meeting of the Provincial Peoples Government on January 25, 2019, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of April 1, 2019.

Provincial governor: Wang Xiaodong

February 1, 2019

Administrative Measures of Hubei Province for Secondary Water Supply

Article 1In order to regulate the secondary water supply and water usage in urban areas, and ensure water quality, water pressure, water volume and the safety of secondary water supply, the Administrative Measures of Hubei Province on Secondary Water Supply are hereby formulated in accordance with the Regulations on Urban Water Supply in Hubei Province as well as the realities of Hubei Province.

Article 2The Measures shall apply to the construction and operation of urban secondary water supply facilities and water quality monitoring within the administrative area of Hubei Province.

The term “secondary water supply facilities” mentioned herein shall refer to the general term for the facilities ranging from the pipe network interface of urban public water supply to the end users' water meter for metering and settlement.These facilities include pump rooms, water tanks (pools), water pumps, valves, electric control devices, pressure vessels, disinfection equipment, water supply pipelines, security facilities, and water quality monitoring and remote monitoring facilities for secondary water supply.

Article 3The Departments of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Provincial People's Government are responsible for the management of secondary water supply in urban areas of the province.

The departments of water supply of local governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the management of secondary water supply and water usage within their respective administrative areas.

The departments of health administration of local governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the sanitation supervision of secondary water supply facilities within their respective administrative areas, and investigate and deal with violations of health regulationsin accordance with the law.

The departments of price administration of local governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for cost accounting of the operation and maintenance of secondary water supply facilities in their respective administrative areas.

The public security organs at or above the county level shall be responsible for guiding and supervising the secondary water supply facilities management units within their respective administrative areas to strictly enforce the relevant laws, regulations and standards for public security.

Article 4The secondary water supply shall follow the principles of safety, hygiene, energy conservation and environmental protection.

Article 5 No organization or individual may encroach upon, damage or disable secondary water supply facilities without authorization.

Article 6 While formulating special urban water supply plans, formulators should rationally distribute the secondary water supply facilities, comprehensively take into account the layout of the centralized storage and pressure regulating facilities in the water supply pipe network area, to ensure that the pressure of the pipe network is stable and even, and promote energy conservation and consumption reduction.

Article 7 If the pressure or quantity of water required by the newly-built, expanded or reconstructed buildings exceeds the pressure standard of urban water supply services, the construction contractor shall build supporting secondary water supply facilities.

The secondary water supply facilities shall be designed, constructed and delivered for use at the same time as the main building project.

The design and construction of secondary water supply facilities shall conform to the sanitary standards for secondary water supply facilities and the technical specifications for secondary water supply projects of China and Hubei province.

Article 8 When reviewing the construction drawings of the construction project, the agency that is responsible for the construction drawing review shall also review the design plan of the secondary water supply facility and solicit opinions from the water suppliers.

Article 9 The design and construction of new, renovated, and expanded secondary water supply facilities must be undertaken by the organizations with corresponding qualifications as defined in the Regulations on Qualification Management of Investigation and Design of Construction Projects and the Regulations on Qualification Management of Construction Enterprises, so as to ensure the construction quality of secondary water supply facilities.

Article 10 After the completion of new construction, renovation or expansion of secondary water supply projects, the inspection and acceptance shall be organized in accordance with the Regulations on Quality Management of Construction Projects, and inspectors shall include the water supplier.

The construction contractor shall submit the construction documents of the secondary water supply for the inspection and acceptance, while ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the documents.

If the construction project has not been inspected or has failed to pass the inspection, the secondary water supply facilities shall not be connected to the urban water supply pipe network.

Article 11After the completion but before the deliveryof the new, reconstructed or expanded secondary water supply projects, the construction contractor shall commission the cleaning and disinfection organization to clean and disinfect the secondary water supply system, and the secondary water supply system shall pass the inspection by the water quality inspection institution.

Article 12A construction contractor may commission the local water supplier to exclusively construct the secondary water supply facilities.

Article 13The secondary water supply facilities of new residential buildings, after passing the inspection, shall be handed over to the water supplier, and the water supplier shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance and management of the facilities.

If the secondary water supply facilities of residential buildings already built have not been handed over to the water supplier, the local governments at or above the county level shall allocate special funds, formulate annual plans, and take measures to hand them over within a time limit, and the water supplier shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance and management of the facilities. If the secondary water supply facilities do not conform to the relevant construction standards and engineering technical specifications, they shall be renovated and pass the inspection before the handover.The specific measures shall be formulated separately by the local government.

Article 14The secondary water supply facilities shall be handed over to the water supplier, together with the as-built general plan, as-built drawings of structure and equipment, as-built drawings of the underground pipe network project, documents and graphic materials relating to the installation, use and maintenance of the equipment.

Article 15The operation and maintenance expenses of the secondary water supply facilities operated and managed by the water supplier shall be included in the operating cost of the water supplier and shall be compensated by the urban water supply charges in a unified way.  

Article 16The management organization of secondary water supply facilities shall establish and improve management systems and operational procedures for maintenance of facilities, cleaning and disinfection, water quality testing, certificate-based employment, file management, emergency response, and security precaution, formulate and improve emergency response plans and organize drills.

The public security organs shall include the management organization of the secondary water supply facilities in the management of key organizations of public security, and guide the management organization of the secondary water supply facilities to intensify internal security.

Article 17The operation and management of the secondary water supply facilities include:

(1) Maintaining the secondary water supply facilities to ensure the good condition of the secondary water supply facilities for normal use;

(2) Cleaning and disinfecting the secondary water supply and storage facilities once a quarter;

(3) Commissioning the water quality testing agency to inspect water quality every month in accordance with national standards;

(4) Ensuring that the water pressure meets the standards;

(5) Dealing with sudden incidents in secondary water supply facilities;

(6) Handling other matters involving secondary water supply.

Article 18The water-related products in secondary water supply facilities shall conform to the current national and industrial hygiene standards and norms, and the use of equipment and materials explicitly prohibited or eliminated by the State shall be strictly prohibited.

Article 19Sanitary management and cleaning personnel of secondary water supply facilities shall take sanitary knowledge training and pass physical examination before taking up their jobs, and shall have an annual health check-up.

Article 20The urban water supply department shall strengthen the supervision and management of the quality of the secondary water supply, and regularly inspect the water quality and pressure as well as the management and maintenance of the secondary water supply facilities.

Article 21The management organization of secondary water supply facilities shall periodically publicize the water quality.

In case of any abnormality in the quality of secondary water supply, the management organization of secondary water supply facilities shall immediately report to the department of urban water supply and the department of health administration, and shall not conceal the abnormality.

Article 22Upon receiving a water quality abnormality report or a complaint about the quality of the secondary water supply, the department of urban water supply shall, together with the department of health administration, promptly carry out the treatment and disposal work and take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the water.

Article 23Anyone who violates the Measures shall be punished in accordance with the Regulations on Urban Water Supply in Hubei Province.

Article 24 If any staff member of the state organs in charge of urban secondary water supply management work neglects his/her duty, abuses his/her power, or engages in malpractice for personal gains, the responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law; if the act constitutes a criminal offence, he or she shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law.

Article 25 The Measures shall come into force as of April 1, 2019.

To: Governments of various cities, autonomous prefectures and counties, and various departments of Hubei provincial government.

Departments of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, Hubei Provincial Military Area, and people's organizations.

General Office of the Standing Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Congress, General Office of the CPPCC Hubei Provincial Committee, Hubei Provincial Supervisory Committee, Hubei Higher People’s Court, and the People’s Procuratorate of Hubei.

General Office of Hubei Provincial People’s Government                            Issued on February 2, 2019


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